2023 Scholarship Winners are Harvinder Lethal and Zoe Devries

The 2023 winners of the William Taylor Scholarship in Radiocommunications are Harvinder Lethal and Zoe Deveries. Congratulations to both of them.


Harvinder is a Master’s student at the University of Toronto. He is working on developing ways to analyze congestion control algorithms in order to be able to understand their interactions with other network protocols and distributed machine learning traffic.

Harvinder also worked for ISED, aiding the Department’s understanding how international standards for the 6 Ghz band can be applied to the Canadian context and developing a test plan to be used for testing applicant systems. Please watch Harvinder’s message here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/150eMR7hV8ZWRRFk6ev8I6pLv8Kg6LkTA/view


Zoe has completed her 4th year in the engineering Department at the University of New Brunswick. As a student, she has been working in UNB’s Radiating Systems Research Laboratory, where she has been involved in antenna studies, RF exposure research and wireless power transfer system development. Please watch Zoe’s message here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLD5U1nnfeo


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