Open Consultations
The RABC frequently creates working groups to respond to consultations. To have your name added to the working group, please contact the General Manager (

Radio Standards Specification, RSS-102.SAR.MEAS, Issue 2 and RSS-102.SAR.SIM, Issue 1
The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the following consultations:
RSS-102-SAR.MEAS, issue 2, “Measurement Procedure for Assessing Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Compliance in Accordance with RSS-102”.
RSS-102.SAR.SIM, issue 1, “Simulation Procedure for Assessing Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Compliance in Accordance with RSS-102”.

SRSP-511 issue 3 (draft) – Technical Requirements for Land Mobile Radio Services Operating in the Bands 768-776 MHz and 798-806 MHz
The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the following technical standard: SRSP-511 issue 3 (draft) – Technical Requirements for Land Mobile Radio Services Operating in the Bands 768-776 MHz and 798-806 MHz.