ISED Database Specifications, DBS-06, issue 1, May 2022 (Draft) – Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) System Specifications for the 6 GHz (5925-6875 MHz) Frequency Band

The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the following consultation: DBS-06, issue 1,  “Automated Frequency Coordination (AFC) System Specifications for the 6 GHz (5925-6875 MHz) Frequency Band”  which sets out the technical requirements for the designation of an Automated Frequency Coordination System Administrator (AFCSA) and for the operation of an AFC system capable of identifying available frequencies and associated maximum power levels for use by standard-power RLAN devices operating in the 6 GHz (5925-6875 MHz) frequency band.

Comments are due no later than July 15, 2022.  

DBS-06 Issue 1 (ENGLISH)

DBS-06 Issue 1 (ENGLISH)

DBS-06 RABC edits v6

DBS-06 RABC edits v6

Letter 6 GHz standards 2022-07-18

Letter 6 GHz standards 2022-07-18