ISED Supplementary Procedure SPR-003 Issue 1, Supplementary Procedure for Assessing Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Portable Devices Operating in the 60 GHz frequency band (57 GHz – 71 GHz)

The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the following consultation:

SPR-003, Issue 1 for Radio Standards Specification RSS-102 sets out the general test methods to be followed when carrying out an RF exposure compliance assessment of portable devices operating in the 60 GHz frequency band (57 GHz – 71 GHz).

 All comments should be documented using the RABC comment form and sent to Mr. David Farnes at:  no later than October 18, 2019. Further coordination of comments will be handled through the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC).  

RSS-102 SPR-003 Issue 1- External Consultation

RSS-102 SPR-003 Issue 1- External Consultation

Letter_SPR-003 Issue 1 2019_11_12

Letter_SPR-003 Issue 1 2019_11_12