SMSE-004-22 – Consultation on the Technical and Policy Framework for Radio Local Area Network Devices in the 5850-5895 MHz Frequency Band and for Intelligent Transportation Systems in the 5895-5925 MHz Frequency Band

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), on behalf of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry (the Minister), is hereby initiating a consultation on the technical and policy framework for Radio Local Area Network (RLAN) devices in the 5850-5895 MHz frequency band and for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the 5895-5925 MHz frequency band (collectively referred to as the 5.9 GHz band):

Closing date for comments: April 29, 2022

RABC Response SMSE-004-22 2022-04-29

RABC Response SMSE-004-22 2022-04-29