ISED Standard Radio System Plan, SRSP-306.4, issue 7, Technical Requirements for Fixed Line-of-Sight Radio Systems Operating in the Band 6425-6930 MHz

The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the consultation of SRSP-306.4, Issue 7, “Technical Requirements for Fixed Line-of-Sight Radio Systems Operating in the Band 6425-6930 MHz”. This standard sets out the minimum technical requirements for the efficient use of the band 6425-6930 MHz by point-to-point radio systems in the fixed service.

The following are the main changes:

  1. The antenna radiation pattern requirement prescribed by envelope B was modified in figure 1 and table 3 of section 6.
  2. The radio frequency (RF) channel arrangement was updated to add RF channel bandwidths of 60 MHz and to remove RF channel bandwidths of less than 2.5 MHz. Consequential changes were made through the rest of this document.
  3. Provisions already included in SRSP-300-GEN, which prescribes requirements to be applied in conjunction with this SRSP, were removed.
  4. Other editorial changes and clarifications have been made throughout the document.

Comments are due no later than December 20, 2024.

Draft SRSP306-4 Issue 7 – EN

Draft SRSP306-4 Issue 7 - EN

Letter SRSP- 306.4 Issue 7 2024-12-23

Letter SRSP- 306.4 Issue 7 2024-12-23

Xplore_ISED email Redacted

Xplore_ISED email Redacted

Draft SRSP306-4 Issue 7 – RABC comment v 2024-12-23

Draft SRSP306-4 Issue 7 - RABC comment v 2024-12-23