The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is seeking comments on the consultation of SRSP-500, issue 2 (draft), “Technical Requirements for Land Mobile and Fixed Radio Services Operating in the Bands 138-144 MHz and 148-174 MHz”.
SRSP-500 issue 2 sets forth the minimum technical requirements for the purpose of efficient spectrum utilization for land mobile and fixed point-to-point systems operating in the Very High Frequency (VHF) bands 138-144 and 148-174 MHz.
The following are the main changes: .
- Removed mentions of the redeployment plan policy
- Updated the frequency range designated for the maritime mobile service
- Updated conditions for assignments within designated frequency bands
- Added conditions on the use of the Search and Rescue Interagency Frequency
- Added conditions to gradually adopt VHF public safety interoperability channels
- Added conditions on the use of frequencies assigned to Weatheradio systems
- Added requirements for minimum spectrum efficiency
- Added requirements for combining certain band edge channels for duplex operation
- Modified the definition of Simplex Block F and adjusted channels accordingly
- Modified the definition of Simplex Block G and adjusted channels accordingly
- Modified the definition of Simplex Block H and adjusted channels accordingly
- Modified the definition of Duplex Block H and adjusted channels accordingly
- Made corrections, editorial changes and clarifications, as appropriate
Comments are due no later than June 14, 2024.